I decided to start a new blog dedicated to travel only -- no political rantings, no recipe exchange, no gardening tips, no environmental pleadings -- just travel. It will, of course, be a work in progress, a learn as you go, because that's the way most blogs are or at least that's how most blogs are in their early days. There will never be a "final say" at least not until comments closed posts.
Any and all are invited to participate, to add your thoughts regarding the postings, suggestions for future posts, and/or ask questions that either I or someone else may be able to answer. It will be be slow at first but hopefully we can generate enough interest among us to be a valuable resource for planning and executing travel.
I , as chief writer and moderator, will give you thoughts on my favorite spots, what and where I'm going, with the little bits of insight that I have to offer. I'm not a travel agent, travel writer, nor am I sponsor-funded; I just have a passion for travel and want to share what I can and hope that others will want to do the same.
Off we go!